
Cindy Gunderson Transportation Testimonial

“A few months back, I had a bad break in my ankle and needed surgery to correct the break. My accident was a real eye opener for me.  I have always been independent and led an active life. After the surgery I was incapacitated and had to rely on support; I moved in with my mother in Santa Rosa.  After several weeks of her wonderful care, I was able to come back to my home in Ukiah.  But being alone and still not able to get myself around town I became depressed. I was relying on friends as far away as Cloverdale to drive to Ukiah and take me to appointments.  When I realized it was going to be at least another six weeks of recovery, I was frustrated.  I didn’t want to drain my friends dry with driving me all over town.  I decided to seek help and find ways to take care of myself.  I called the number for the Mendocino Resource Directory and was given the number of the Ukiah Rider with the Senior Center.  I never thought about the senior bus.

“I cannot say enough good things about the Ukiah Senior Center’s Transportation system.  I feel they were my life line to the outside world.  I could not have waited at a bus stop; I needed this type of service, the door-through-door assistance.  The bus drivers are all kind, considerate and very helpful with helping me get on the bus and getting me back into my home at the end of the day with all my groceries. It was easy to schedule my doctor’s appointments with dispatch, they were very accommodating.  I made appointments to go to the grocery store, to take care of my banking, to go to my daughter’s business where I could help out – everything that I needed to do to get my independence back.  Riding the bus and tending to my own needs made a total shift in my recovery process.  Being active and having a healthier outlook helped me gain control of my life.  We are lucky to have this resource in the community.  You don’t know how important this kind of service is until you need it.” 

~Cindy Gunderson

Contact Us

(707) 462-4343

Fax (707) 462-2997

499 Leslie St, Ukiah, CA 95482

The Ukiah Senior Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Tax ID# 23-7258082.

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